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Report Generated On: 25-04-2019
Version Number: 1.0.1
Town Development Department
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Review Status: Non-Compliant
Note:1.This is an electronic document so no signature is needed.2.All values are in meters sq meters

Proposal No:CTY/0008/A/337(NEW)
Project Information
Project Details
Proposal Details
Architect's Name
Owner's Name -
Case Type New
Project Type Proposed Development
Occupancy Type Residential
Construction Type Type 1-A
Use Group R3
Lot Use Single Family Dwelling
Property Address
Lot Number -
District -
Land Use Zone Residential
Location -
North -
East -
South -
West -

Proposal Summary
Lot Information
Name Proposed
Lot Area 578.95
Lot Width 20.04
Lot Depth 32.22
Lot Access Road Width 18.00
Lot Information
Name Proposed
Proposed BUA 341.32
Coverage 168.61
Parking 0.00
Building Information
Name Proposed
Building Name A (BUILDING)
Building Height 6.90
Number of Floors 2.00
Tenements 1.00
Building Information
Name Proposed
Front Yard 4.62
Rear Yard 3.62
Side 1 Yard 5.97
Side 2 Yard 2.99

Lot Level Parameter Checks
Lot Details
Lot Area Non-Usable Area in Lot Proposed Common Space
As Per
Shown in
0.00 578.95 578.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 252.24

Building Built-Up Area Analysis

Building : A (BUILDING)
Area First Floor Ground Floor Total
Habitable Area 154.841 113.536 268.38
Staircase Area 7.210 4.609 11.82
Covered Balcony Area 27.599 27.599 55.20
Corridor Area 6.553 16.879 23.43
Ancillary Structure Area 0.000 44.583 44.58
Covered Terrace Area 44.591 0.000 44.59
FSI Area
FSIArea Permissible Proposed Status
Residential 268.38
Commercial 0.00
Industrial 0.00
Special 0.00
Ancillary Structure 44.58
Existing 0.00
Excess Balcony 28.36
Refuge Area 0.00

Coverage Check
Permissible Proposed Status
434.21 168.61 Compliant

Yard Details
Yard Distance Surrounding lot
Building / Wing Front Yard Rear Yard Side1 Yard Side2 Yard Status
Required Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed
A-1 (BUILDING) 3.00 4.62 3.00 3.62 3.00 5.97 3.00 2.99 Non-Compliant
Deck Yard Check
Building / Wing Deck To Lot Front Yard Deck To Lot Other Yard Status
Required Proposed Required Proposed
A-1 (BUILDING) 1.52 22.70 1.52 0.71 Non-Compliant

Building Level Parameter Checks

Building/Floor Height Details
Building Height Check
Building Height Status
Permissible Proposed
A (BUILDING) 60.00 6.90 Compliant
Floor Number Check
Permissible Proposed Status
4 2 Compliant
Floor Height Check
Building Name Floor Name Height Status
Required Permissible Proposed
A (BUILDING) First Floor 2.134 4.20 3.030 Compliant
Ground Floor 2.134 4.20 3.030 Compliant

Exit Details
Staircase Number Check
Building Name Number Of Common Stair(s) Number Of Fire Stair(s) Status
Required Proposed Required Proposed
A (BUILDING) 1 1 NA - Compliant

Ancillary Structure Details
Ancillary Structure Check
Ancillary Structure Name Area Width Depth Allowed in Front Yard Allowed in Rear Yard Allowed in Side Yard Area Considered In FSI Status
Required Permissible Proposed Required Permissible Proposed Required Permissible Proposed
GARAGE 10.35 NA 44.58 4.50 NA 6.58 2.30 NA 6.78 NO YES YES - Compliant

Floor Level Parameter Checks

Exit Details
Staircase Checks
Building: A (BUILDING)
Floor Name StairCase Name Flight Width Intermediate Landing Width Floor Landing Width Tread Width Riser Height Riser No. On Flight Riser No Cabin Height Status
Required Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed Permissible Proposed Permissible Proposed Permissible Proposed Required Proposed
GROUND FLOOR PLAN STAIR 0.914 1.08 0.914 1.09 0.914 1.09 0.229 0.30 0.190 0.45 12 7 12 7 NA - Non-Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN STAIR 0.914 1.29 0.914 1.09 0.914 1.09 0.229 0.30 0.190 0.17 12 7 12 19 NA - Non-Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN STAIR 0.914 1.29 0.914 1.09 0.914 1.09 0.229 0.30 0.190 - NA - NA - 2.200 0.00 Non-Compliant
Passage Details
For Building : A (BUILDING)

Floor Name Corridor Name Area Width Status
Proposed Required Proposed
GROUND FLOOR PLAN PASSAGE 16.88 0.91 1.57 Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN PASSAGE 6.55 0.91 1.71 Compliant

Projections Details
Balcony/Deck Details
Building Name Floor Name Balcony/Deck Name Width Status
Required Proposed
FIRST FLOOR PLAN DECK 1.20 2.95 Compliant
Architectural Projection Checks
For Building:A (BUILDING)

Floor Name Arch Proj Name Width Depth Area Height Status
Permissible Proposed Permissible Proposed Required Permissible Proposed Required Permissible Proposed
GROUND FLOOR PLAN STEPS NA 2.75 NA 2.95 NA NA 8.10 NA NA - Compliant
STEPS NA 0.98 NA 2.95 NA NA 2.89 NA NA - Compliant

Carpet Details
Building Name Floor Name Carpet Name Carpet Area Balcony Area Total Area
A (BUILDING) FIRST FLOOR PLAN SPLIT 101 41.73 0.00 41.73
SPLIT 101 50.64 0.00 50.64
GROUND FLOOR PLAN SPLIT 101 64.06 0.00 64.06
SPLIT 101 16.86 0.00 16.86

Tenement Level Parameter Checks

Room Details
Building:A (BUILDING)


Tenement No. Room Name Area Width Depth Ventilation Status
Required Permissible Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed
SPLIT 101 LIV./DIN. 6.50 NA 39.88 2.13 5.40 2.13 8.50 3.19 4.24 Compliant
BED 6.50 NA 12.40 2.13 3.27 2.13 3.79 0.99 1.89 Compliant
KITCHEN NA NA 7.42 NA 2.19 NA 3.39 0.59 0.71 Compliant
WC NA NA 2.59 NA 1.46 NA 1.77 0.30 0.00 Non-Compliant
SPLIT 101 ROOM 6.50 NA 11.79 2.13 3.42 2.13 4.26 0.94 0.71 Non-Compliant
BATH NA NA 4.88 NA 2.17 NA 2.25 0.30 0.00 Non-Compliant


Tenement No. Room Name Area Width Depth Ventilation Status
Required Permissible Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed
SPLIT 101 DRESSING 6.50 NA 6.21 2.13 1.52 2.13 4.08 0.50 0.00 Non-Compliant
TOILET NA NA 7.61 NA 1.87 NA 4.08 0.30 0.00 Non-Compliant
TOILET NA NA 6.16 NA 1.93 NA 3.19 0.30 0.00 Non-Compliant
M.BED 6.50 NA 21.34 2.13 4.30 2.13 4.96 1.71 2.36 Compliant
SPLIT 101 BED 6.50 NA 19.74 2.13 4.20 2.13 4.78 1.58 0.00 Non-Compliant
BED 6.50 NA 20.12 2.13 3.60 2.13 5.60 1.61 2.36 Compliant
STUDY 6.50 NA 9.80 2.13 2.73 2.13 3.60 0.78 1.41 Compliant

Miscellaneous Checks

Lot Miscellaneous Checks
All Lot Miscellaneous checks are as per the rules.

Building Miscellaneous Checks

All Building Miscellaneous checks are as per the rules.

Project Information
Project Details
Proposal Details
Architect's Name
Owner's Name -
Case Type New
Project Type Proposed Development
Occupancy Type Residential
Construction Type Type 1-A
Use Group R3
Lot Use Single Family Dwelling
Property Address
Lot Number -
District -
Land Use Zone Residential
Location -
North -
East -
South -
West -

Proposal Summary
Lot Information
Name Proposed
Lot Area 578.95
Lot Width 20.04
Lot Depth 32.22
Lot Access Road Width 18.00
Lot Information
Name Proposed
Proposed BUA 341.32
Coverage 168.61
Parking 0.00
Building Information
Name Proposed
Building Name A (BUILDING)
Building Height 6.90
Number of Floors 2.00
Tenements 1.00
Building Information
Name Proposed
Front Yard 4.62
Rear Yard 3.62
Side 1 Yard 5.97
Side 2 Yard 2.99

Name Description Required/Permissible Proposed Status
PWork to Lot Yard
A-1 (BUILDING) Side2 Yard 3.00 2.99 Non-Compliant
Other Yard
A-1 (BUILDING) Deck To Lot Other Yard 1.52 0.71 Non-Compliant
Staircase Details
A (BUILDING) GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser Height 0.190 0.45 Non-Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser No 12 19 Non-Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Cabin Height 2.200 -NA- Non-Compliant

Room Details
Building: A (BUILDING)


Tenement No. Room Name Area Width Depth Ventilation Status
Required Permissible Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed
SPLIT 101 WC NA NA 2.59 NA 1.46 NA 1.77 0.30 0.00 Non-Compliant
SPLIT 101 ROOM 6.50 NA 11.79 2.13 3.42 2.13 4.26 0.94 0.71 Non-Compliant
BATH NA NA 4.88 NA 2.17 NA 2.25 0.30 0.00 Non-Compliant


Tenement No. Room Name Area Width Depth Ventilation Status
Required Permissible Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed Required Proposed
SPLIT 101 DRESSING 6.50 NA 6.21 2.13 1.52 2.13 4.08 0.50 0.00 Non-Compliant
TOILET NA NA 7.61 NA 1.87 NA 4.08 0.30 0.00 Non-Compliant
TOILET NA NA 6.16 NA 1.93 NA 3.19 0.30 0.00 Non-Compliant
SPLIT 101 BED 6.50 NA 19.74 2.13 4.20 2.13 4.78 1.58 0.00 Non-Compliant
Project Information
Project Details
Proposal Details
Architect's Name
Owner's Name -
Case Type New
Project Type Proposed Development
Occupancy Type Residential
Construction Type Type 1-A
Use Group R3
Lot Use Single Family Dwelling
Property Address
Lot Number -
District -
Land Use Zone Residential
Location -
North -
East -
South -
West -

Proposal Summary
Lot Information
Name Proposed
Lot Area 578.95
Lot Width 20.04
Lot Depth 32.22
Lot Access Road Width 18.00
Lot Information
Name Proposed
Proposed BUA 341.32
Coverage 168.61
Parking 0.00
Building Information
Name Proposed
Building Name A (BUILDING)
Building Height 6.90
Number of Floors 2.00
Tenements 1.00
Building Information
Name Proposed
Front Yard 4.62
Rear Yard 3.62
Side 1 Yard 5.97
Side 2 Yard 2.99

Name Description Required/Permissible Proposed Status
Lot Details
LOT Lot Area 125.00 578.95 Compliant
Lot Width 12.00 20.04 Compliant
Lot Depth 0.00 32.22 Compliant
Abutting Road 6.00 18.00 Compliant
TDR Area 0.00 0.00 Compliant
Coverage Area 434.21 168.61 Compliant
FSI Area 578.95 341.32 Compliant
Consumed FSI 1.0000 0.5895 Compliant
PWork to Lot Yard
A-1 (BUILDING) Front Yard 3.00 4.62 Compliant
Rear Yard 3.00 3.62 Compliant
Side1 Yard 3.00 5.97 Compliant
Side2 Yard 3.00 2.99 Non-Compliant
Other Yard
A-1 (BUILDING) Deck To Lot Front Yard 1.52 22.70 Compliant
Deck To Lot Other Yard 1.52 0.71 Non-Compliant
Building Height
A (BUILDING) Height 60.00 6.90 Compliant
Floor Height
A (BUILDING) First Floor - Height 2.134 /4.20 3.030 Compliant
Ground Floor - Height 2.134 /4.20 3.030 Compliant
Floors Number
A (BUILDING) No. of Floors 4 2 Compliant
Deck Details
A (BUILDING) GROUND FLOOR PLAN - DECK - Width 1.20 2.95 Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - DECK - Width 1.20 2.95 Compliant
Passage Details
A (BUILDING) GROUND FLOOR PLAN - Corridor Name - - Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - Width 0.91 1.57 Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - Corridor Name - - Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - Width 0.91 1.71 Compliant
Staircase Number Details
A (BUILDING) Number Of Common Stair(s) 1 1 Compliant
Number Of Fire Stair(s) NA - Compliant
Staircase Details
A (BUILDING) GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Flight Width 0.914 1.08 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Intermediate Landing Width 0.914 1.09 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Floor Landing Width 0.914 1.09 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Tread Width 0.229 0.30 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser Height 0.190 0.45 Non-Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser No. On Flight 12 7 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser No 12 7 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Cabin Height NA - Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Flight Width 0.914 1.29 Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Intermediate Landing Width 0.914 1.09 Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Floor Landing Width 0.914 1.09 Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Tread Width 0.229 0.30 Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser Height 0.190 0.17 Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser No. On Flight 12 7 Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser No 12 19 Non-Compliant
FIRST FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Cabin Height NA - Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Flight Width 0.914 1.29 Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Intermediate Landing Width 0.914 1.09 Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Floor Landing Width 0.914 1.09 Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Tread Width 0.229 0.30 Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser Height 0.190 - Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser No. On Flight NA - Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Riser No NA - Compliant
TERRACE FLOOR PLAN - STAIR - Cabin Height 2.200 -NA- Non-Compliant
Ancillary Structure Details
LOT GARAGE - Area 10.35 /NA 44.58 Compliant
GARAGE - Width 4.50 /NA 6.58 Compliant
GARAGE - Depth 2.30 /NA 6.78 Compliant
GARAGE - Allowed in Front Yard - - Compliant
GARAGE - Allowed in Rear Yard - - Compliant
GARAGE - Allowed in Side Yard - - Compliant
GARAGE - Area Considered In FSI - - Compliant
Arch Projection Details
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STEPS - Depth NA 2.95 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STEPS - Area NA /NA 8.10 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STEPS - Height NA /NA - Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STEPS - Width NA 0.98 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STEPS - Depth NA 2.95 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STEPS - Area NA /NA 2.89 Compliant
GROUND FLOOR PLAN - STEPS - Height NA /NA - Compliant